World Experience Organisation Summit 2023

A story about three memorable days in June

Martyn Ruks
Immersive Learning


Chapter 1 — Gathering of Strangers

The air hung heavy and humid as the traveller crossed the threshold. Finally they could pass from the city streets to a haven of peace and calm. Their journey had been long, but where had they arrived? They brought with them only stories, but what would they experience? What would they discover?

An exclusive club or an open house? Judgemental strangers or critical friends? Isolated minds or meaningful connections? These questions tugged at their mind as they entered along the long, dark corridor, their boots clanking noisily on the wooden boardwalk. They paused before the curtain. They needed to leave their assumptions and constraints behind, to be released from their choking embrace.

Emerging into this new place, they were welcomed with open arms. Their arrival being celebrated with the room as if they were the protagonist in an epic adventure. Had they already been trapped in the oft told hero’s quest, or was their narrative free to spread like the wavelets on a pond?

Stood there in the Old Town, they knew from the smiling faces of strangers that they had already found their family. As the congregation swelled, the high priest appeared. The pulpit set high above and bright, the lights shining out like a star-studded sky. Then came the call to action — a call to meet, to share, and to experience something new.

In that first moment, they could feel their minds opening, not in the sharing of success, but of failure. Hundreds of voices suddenly crying out in the darkness. And there it began, in exploration, wonder, and friendship.

This moment wasn’t about sales and selfishness; it was about the stories told and retold. Out of the maelstrom of emotions, a voice emerged …

“Hi, I’m Sam. My job is to create emotional connections to global brands through meaningful encounters. What do you do?”

“Hi, I’m Alex and I build soundscapes to root people in a particular time and place.”

They both exclaimed in unison — “you didn’t ask me to explain what that means” — an instant connection and understanding from across the divide.

And so it continued, from moment to moment, the fusing of ideas and experiences. There were no boundaries, no barriers. Time passed, and the day grew older, but tiredness had no meaning anymore. Maybe it was jet lag, maybe it was constant adrenaline, or maybe it was simply the place they found themselves in.

Then, a drink by the cool, inviting waters — a respite. Relaxed conversation and promises of wonders to come.

And then as if by magic, the mayor appeared. At first a double take — at their silk sash and welcome to Phantom Peak.

This world that moment before had been a mere destination, was now an enigma full of untold stories. Interactions shifted, no longer about experience, but about mystery and wonder. Threads to pull that unravelled these people— tales of ghosts and death, of villains and heroes, but also of redemption and rebirth.

At the end of it all, the darkness drew closer and the conga line grew longer— a symbolic ending, but not the end of the story.

Chapter 2: The Middle

As the new day arrived, rain fell, but it couldn’t dampen the spirit of adventure that permeated the air. The traveller embraced the soothing patter of the early morning raindrops. Finding solace in the gentle rhythm they made the short journey back from an old reality to this new one — a world brimming with possibilities and untapped potential.

The water brought a refreshing energy, washing away the remnants of the past and opening the door to new experiences. It served as a catalyst, immersing everyone in a renewed sense of wonder and curiosity. The sound of the droplets morphing into whispers of excitement, creating a symphony that echoed through the streets.

In this transformed atmosphere, the impromptu and the improvised took centre stage. Ideas sprouted like blossoming flowers, and tales of success and wonder were shared with fervour.

It was a time where embryonic ideas that hadn’t yet taken form were nurtured and encouraged. Tales were shared of conferences that had shed their corporate attire, morphing into vibrant festivals of imagination.

The air buzzed with the celebration of enlightened hearts embracing all that is great about experience and connection. It was a beacon, signalling to the world the promise and wonder that our collective futures hold.

The day was still young, but the stories flowed freely, cascading like a waterfall of inspiration. Every aspect of our interaction with experience was uncovered and explored. People shared their journeys willingly, without expectation, weaving a tapestry of connection — connection to brands, to audiences, to learning, to technology, and to the boundless realm of artificial intelligence.

Experiences unfolded in reality, in mixed reality and in the virtual, and even in the realms of our dreams. The traveller embraced it all, immersing themselves in faraway lands, soaring through the night sky, and diving deep into sound. The grey skies above this oasis of immersion in the great city did not dim the enthusiasm or hinder the conversations.

The inspiration was unrelenting, persisting throughout the day. However, this evening would be both similar and different from that which had come before. The community would venture forth, exploring all that the city had to offer. Once again, strangers would be thrown together on their own quests, united by a shared desire for discovery and growth. And together, they would prevail.

From the echoes of gunpowder and treason to the allure of blood and sawdust, from the clinking of glasses in cocktail lounges to the whirlwind of fairgrounds, and from the remnants of burnt cities to the sombre tales of Greek tragedy. This city held an abundance of riches. It was the reason why people from all walks of life would come together in this place — to be immersed in a tapestry of experiences.

And so, the traveller ventured forth with a sense of anticipation. The city awaited, brimming with untold stories and hidden wonders, ready to reveal itself to those who dared to seek.

Chapter 3: Stories Set Free

The new morn brought with it a new energy. A regathering of people. The Old Town would once again become a dance floor. Then a window on the world of experience. A spotlight on digital twins and secret hotels, a shared space with the power of storytelling.

Too soon the end approached. But not an ending. Was this intended or just a consequence of what had come before. Time shared by people, a new home for some, a new community for others.

It was a moment of pure bliss, a celebration of the stories that had been shared and the connections that had been formed. But now, it was time for those stories to venture back out into the world, into the unknown.

With uncertainty and excitement, the storytellers gathered their experiences and set them free. They didn’t know where these stories would go or how they would end, they trusted in their power.

Enriched and emboldened by the promise of what lay ahead, they embarked on their individual paths, carrying with them the memories of what had passed. Some would continue to share their stories in the halls of academia, inspiring new generations of adventurers and dreamers. Others would paint vivid pictures with their words, captivating readers with tales of wonder and discovery.

Each person who had been a part of the experience, each visitor who had listened and absorbed those narratives, carried a piece of that magic within them. It sparked a flame of curiosity and possibility, urging them to seek their own adventures, to embrace the unknown, and to share their own stories with the world.

And so, the stories went forth, spreading like ripples in a pond, touching the lives of countless others. They found their way into the hearts of the lonely, the weary, and the lost, igniting a spark of hope and inspiration. They reminded people that within every journey, there lies the potential for growth, for transformation, and for a deeper connection with the world around them.

And so, it was decided that after one more orbit of our sun, their stories would come together once more. Throughout the year, they would all write new chapters to their lives. Each carrying the anticipation of the reunion in their hearts.

As the sun set behind the city, casting a golden glow on all of their faces, the traveller looked forward to the next chapter. They knew that they were forever bound by the promise of what had been created together and that they were not alone on their journey.

Souvenirs from the inaugural World Experience Organisation Summit.

The inaugural World Experience Organisation Summit was held at Phantom Peak in London between the 28th and 30th June 2023. It featured talks from all areas of the experience economy, including Immersive Learning. If you would like to get involved with this amazing community of people then you can discover more on their website.

Martyn is a founder of chronyko who have over 15 years experience building and running escape games and many other types of immersive training and skills development experiences. He has seen first-hand how immersive learning can have a measurable impact. He is a passionate believer in how we can all learn from these experiences to better support lifelong learning for everyone.



Martyn Ruks
Immersive Learning

Founder of chronyko, an immersive learning and development business —